June 15, 2006

Who'll stop the Rain?

If the rain comes they run and hide their heads.They might as well be dead.If the rain comes, if the rain comes.When the sun shines they slip into the shade(When the sun shines down.)And drink their lemonade.(When the sun shines down.)When the sun shines, when the sun shines.Rain, I don't mind.Shine, the weather's fine.I can show you that when it starts to rain,(When the sun shines down.)Everything's the same.(When the sun shines down.)I can show you, I can show you.Rain, I don't mind.Shine, the weather's fine.Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines,(When the sun shines down.)It's just a state of mind?(When the sun shines down.)Can you hear me, can you hear me?If the rain comes they run and hide their heads.sdaeh rieht edih dna nur yeht semoc niar eht fI.(Rain)naiR.(Rain)enihsnuS.

June 14, 2006

He's as blind as he can be...

He's a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.

Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man, please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man,
the world is at your command.

He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man, don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else
lends you a hand

Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man, please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man,
the world is at your command.

He's a real Nowhere Man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody...
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody...
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody...

June 8, 2006

I ain't changed, but i know i ain't the same...

I took my love and took it down
I climbed a mountain, I turned around
And I saw my reflection in a snow covered hill
'til a landslide brought it down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've
Built my life around you
Time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older, too
I'm getting older, too

I took my love and took it down
I climbed a mountain, I turned around
And if you see my reflection
in the snow covered hill
The landslide brought it down
The landslide brought it down

June 3, 2006

Quiero hacer Cosas Imposibles...

Si, yo lo publiqué... Ustedes lo vieron... Había muchos planes para este blog, y de la nada, muchos, o casi todos, se tuvieron que ver diluidos en el tiempo que dejé de tener. Lamentablemente he adquirido un segundo empleo este verano y me estoy matando, lo juro! LLevo una semana y ya estoy harto, solo puedo dormir 5 horas diarias de lunes a sábado y... APESTA! Pero hay cosas peores! Lo que si no he cambiado desde que empecé con mi idea de los blogs es la de publicar la reseña de los conciertos a los que pudiera asistir. En esta ocasión, les presento mi humilde opinion a cerca del "Ahi Vamos Tour" de Gustavo Cerati.

Con eso de los dos trabajos, uno se deja de enterar de muchas cosas y eventos, y en este caso, me entere del concierto con solo 2 dias de anticipación. Tuve la oportunidad de conseguir dos boletos 1 día antes del evento a realizarse en el Auditorio Nacional así que sin dudar, falté a uno de los trabajos y acompañado por un SuperSandwich asistí en un lluvioso 1 de Junio a lo que sería la primera vez que escuchara en vivo al que para mi gusto es el mejor Rockstar hispano de la historia. Gasté en un taxi sin sentido, con un tráfico terrible, llegué 15 minutos antes, porque me equivoqué de ruta, contrabandeé la cámara fotográfica y adentro me di cuenta de que no tenía batería... El día en la mañana ya había sido bastante malo y el mal Karma continuaba, pero era Cerati! Algo tenía que cambiar.
Entradas agotadas, reventas de boletos con valor de $250, a un precio de $800. Eramos aproximadamente 10,000 personas según he leído, y de todas ellas, yo no era, ni estaba cerca de ser el mejor fan de Gustavo. Solo tengo uno de sus cuatro discos, pero este me parece increíble y tenía varias canciones en específico que quería escuchar de otros discos. Así entonces, a las 8:40pm Cerati y su banda salieron a dar el mejor concierto en español que he visto. Empezaron con "Al fin sucede" y le siguieron 5 temas para mi desconocidos hasta entonces, todos del último album, "Ahi Vamos". En esa secuencia de 6 o 7 canciones de su más reciente producción combinó a la perfección canciones que acercaran al público al artista por su profundidad, con canciones llenas de guitarras al estílo de la vieja usanza. Y si la nostalgia nos hacía falta, tocó "Ecos", "Toma la Ruta", "Tu Medicina" y "Té Para Tres" (que a mi parecer fue la más ovacionada de la noche), dándonos su primera pequeña sesión de Soda Stereo. Los solos hacían vibrar los oidos de la audiencia que demandaba Rock! Y en el climax de dicho sentimiento, la guitarra acústica salió a escena con el poder de hipnotizarme con la suavidad de la melodía. Nos acercábamos a las 2 horas continuas de concierto, cuando el momento que más esperaba llegó......
"Cosas Imposibles" y "Vivo" del album "Siempre es Hoy" sonaban en mi cabeza desde que nos dirijíamos al concierto y era el momento de cantarlas a una sola voz con Cerati y el público. Que hermosa canción para cantar es "Vivo"; la entonación, el sentimiento que le pone, la explosión en el coro. "El fin de amar, sentirse más Vivo!!! El fin del mar es sentirse igual... Vivo!!!". Fue casi la mejor parte, cerrando con un par de canciones más del "Ahi Vamos" para llegar el Encore.

::: Vivo - Gustavo Cerati :::

Cinco minutos les tomó regresar diciendo 'ahí vamos, ahí vamos' para tocar el sencillo en rotación "Crimen", el cual es muy de mi agrado. Un par de canciones de Soda y la iluminación que hasta el momento había sido semioscura empezaba a destacarse, llegando a su punto más alto en "Paseo Inmoral". Para este momento los solos estaban en todas partes, sólo esperaba un momento en el que Cerati no se expusiera vocalmente para así mostrarnos toda la majestuosidad del dominio de la guitarra que posee. De verdad, solos increíbles!!! "Prófugos" fue la mejor de esta parte, recordando a Soda otra vez. "No seas tan cruelno busques más pretextosno seas tan cruelsiempre seremos prófugos los dos"

LLegamos al final, todos los sabíamos... Era el momento de que todos cantaramos "Puente" del disco "Bocanada". Un momento emotivo a nivel público y en mi caso a nivel personal. Para mi, y probablemente para la mayoría este fue el mejor momento del concierto. Todos a mi al rededor cantaban y el 'Gracias por venir' de la letra de la canción era un mensaje de Cerati para México, de México para el gran guitarrista, ex-lider de Soda Stereo, pero más importante para mí en este momento, el autor de los mejores discos de Rock en español de la actualidad, Gustavo Cerati. "Gracias por venir, gracias por venir.... Adorable Puente se ha creado entre los dos... Usa el amor, usa el amor como un Puente..."

Cuando la escena del Rock hispano tiene un sin número de nuevos artistas, muchas muy malas, algunas otras pocas son buenas promesas, llega Cerati y lo aclara todo. Gracias por venir!!!

May 21, 2006

Processed Beats

So, as i posted couple of hours ago, it was not possible for me to post a video in time for Saturday, because i was at a concert. A concert that first i wasn't sure i was going to be there, but the Rockstar made it possible by getting to tickets that later on gave us access to the VIP zone. Sweet! I was at work and i was supposed to be out at 11pm but i just couldn't miss the chance of getting to see this three great bands, so i escaped at 8pm, took a cab and arrived just in time! I got inline alongside Rockstar and like 5 minutes later we hit the venue. "Nokia Trend Centre" was the name, and it was this kind of warehouse painted in white, and upstairs there was the VIP zone. Great venue, free drinks all night long, beautiful and famous people... Perfect!

Around 9pm Art Brut hit the stage with a vocalist that looked not so young but had an amazing energy. Never heard a thing about Art Brut before yesterday, but they rocked! Art Brut it's a Brit¡sh Band formed in 2003 by Eddie Argos (vocalist), Mikey B (drummer), Ian Catskilkin (lead guitarist), Jasper Future (backing vocalsit and guitarist) and Freddy Feedback (bassist). "Emily Kane" and "Moving to LA" were the best of their setlist in my opinion, but all the time they had this chemistry going on, this feeling of rock that i've been missing lately. I realized i was missing rock when i was paying for downloading Ryan Adam's "Heartbreaker" that had Country under the Gender tag. I was paying for country music, and i felt i needed to go back to the rock thing. Art Brut started my return, but it was just the beginning... Thank for opening my eyes and ears again!

So, then we went upstairs for a slice of pizza and like ten minutes later we heard the "Hello Mexico City"! Shut, we were upstairs and needed to get down as fast as possible! Kasabian was on stage!!! Electro-rock british band formed by Tom Meighan (vocals), Sergio Pizzorno (lead guitar, synths, backing vocals), Christopher Karloff (guitar and keyboards), Ian Matthews (awesome drumms) and Chris Edwards (bass). I've never seen this band before, and even though i knew a couple of songs, i wasn't a big fan at all. Now i just came from the store after purchasing their debut album "Kasabian". It's a great album, but trust me, it ain't the same sound as on stage. They sing, scream, play, exhale, express energy. Rock full of beats that made the crowd clap, jump and dance as hell. "Cutt Off", "Reason Is Treason", "Runnng Battle", damn, i just couldn't stop dancing! Then, a short intro and it was time for "Club Foot"! My favourite! I just went with the flow. They alternate vocals between Meighan and Pizzorno, which gave them freshness between songs. Massive and unstopable beats in my head by an amazing drummer, and vocals that went right into my head, litten up by a great set of lights. It blew my mind! "L.S.F. (lost souls forever)" came in and i knew it was over... what a shame! It was awesome! Come back soon!::: Club Foot - Kasabian :::

The last band was The Rapture, Luke Jenner (guitarist and vocalist), Matt Safer (vocalist and bassist), Gabriel Andruzzi (percussionist) and Vico Roccoforte (drummer) were ready to close a chapter in my personal concert history. They made me move my legs without a pause for like an hour with just a strong bass, constant cimbals, accurate synths, singular voices and a bell. This New Yorkers made everyone there dance with every hit to the cords that tha bassist kept playing. Jenner's voice is perfect for the "beatful" melodies and he kept dancing around and playing near the audience by hugging his guitar. Jenner-Safer vocals go perfect together. Andruzzi kept hitting the bell, playing sax and keyboards... Versatile is the word for a band like this. "Sister Savior" was awesome, but nothing compared to "House of Jealous Lovers" for the end of the show. I got the chance of being right next to Art Brut's guitarist and bassist and they were loving it. He was like "i just love this guys, i can't believe we opened the show for them" and they were singing almost evety song. In what it can be considered the first interview of my blog i told them that they rocked, and asked them which one they preferred, either Kasabian or The Rapture, and Jasper Future said with a big smile in his face "I just love The Rapture". Ok... maybe not an interview then! The show was over by then so we kept talking for like a couple of minutes, and i decided to take the not-so-good attitude of a fan and asked them to pose for a picture (which later on i realized didn't work because i have the crappiest cellphone in the world if we are talking about photos!!!) and then they were coped by the rest of the croud. Nice guys though! I realized The Rapture rock them as much as it rocked me!

::: House of Jealous Lovers - The Rapture :::

The show was over, we hit the dancefloor, saw Sopitas and Cha! there, both of them really nice by answering our rock signal. Reclu, Ilana Sod (or maybe an illusion), Natalia Lafourcade, Carlitos Espejel were also rocking the venue. Great gig!!!!!

May 17, 2006

The New

I wish I could live free
I hope it's not beyond me
settling down it takes time
one day we'll live together
and life will be better
I have it here, yeah, in my mind
baby, you know someday you'll slow

And baby, my heart's been breaking

I gave a lot to you
I take a lot from you too
you slave a lot from me
guess you could say
i gave you my edge

But I can't pretend
I need to defend
some part of me from you
I know I've spent some time lying
I can't pretend
I don't need to defend
some part of me from you
I know I've spent some time lying

You're looking alright tonight
I think we should go
You're looking alright tonight
I think we should go

"Maybe one day i'll get there, right next to you,

and we'll get swallowed one into each other

just by looking into the mirror of your eyes...

Maybe, though now seems not to be the right time,

but that choice, darling, it's only in your hands..."

April 24, 2006

Nothing Better...

"Will someone please call a surgeon
Who can crack my ribs and repair this broken heart
That your're deserting for better company?

I can't accept that it's over...
I will block the door like a goalie tending the net
In the third quarter of a tied-game rivalry

So just say how to make it right
And i swear i'll do my best to comply

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together

I feel must interject here
you're getting carried away feeling sorry for yourself
With these revisions and gaps in history

So let me help you remember.
I've made charts and graphs that should finally make it clear.
I've prepared a lecture on why i have to leave

So please back away and let me go

I can't my darling i love you so...

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together

Don't you feed me lines about some idealistic future
Your heart won't heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures

I admit that i have made mistakes and i swear
I'll never wrong you again

You've got a lure i can't deny,
But you've had your chance so say goodbye

Say goodbye"

April 23, 2006

Logic will break your heart forever... Be brave

Como lo comenté en alguna de las entradas de mi ahora desmantelado espacio en MSN, tuve la oportunidad de asistir al Corona Musicfest el pasado sábado 4 de Diciembre de 2005. La alineación en el escenario A constaba de Austin TV , quienes empezaron a tocar a las 4:30pm y le siguieron Los Dynamite, Porter, Los Látigos, Jumbo, La Lupita, The Stills para finalizar a las 11pm con Incubus. En fin, como mi reseña del concierto está en My Space en MSN, no es el propósito de este post hacer otra reseña alguna de dicho evento. Lo que quiero comentar es lo molesto que me dejó la pobre actitud de la mayoría de los que asistieron, abucheando y peor aún, insultando y hasta aventando objetos a Los Dynamite, Los Látigos y tristísimamente a The Stills. El ambiente estaba tenso, era mi primer festival y me sentía muy mal, el personal de ayuda sacó a muchas personas que no pudieron con más aplastamientos y pisotontes, y menos con la lluvia, y se entiende que si no te gusta el grupo en el escenario no te sientas cómodo, ¡pero no por eso empezarás a gritarles "cómprate un estilo" a Los Dynamite, "homosexuales" a Los Látigos y "gringuitos" a The Stills! O a ver, a ver, ¿yo empecé a gritarles de cosas a La Lupita solo porque no me gusta ni una nota de lo que puedan tocar? Bueno no lo haría, y en parte no lo hice porque todos los que abuchearon estaban prendidísimos con La Lupita y los golpes hubieran tardado poco en llegar. Aparte, ¿"gringuitos"? ¡Pero si son de Canadá!

The Stills, un grupo originario de Montreal, Canadá, compuesto en sus inicios por Tim Fletcher, Dave Hamelin, Liam O'Neil y Oliver Crowe. Un grupo de estudiantes de arte que se conocían desde los 12 años decidieron formar The Stills en el 2000 e irse a probar suerte a New York. En el 2003 se editó el Rememberese EP y más tarde ese año, mientras la escena de NY tomaba gran fuerza con grupos como Interpol, The Rapture o Yeah Yeah Yeah's, lanzaronsu primer LP, Logic Will Break Your Heart, el cual fue puesto a disposición de todo aquel que quisiera disfrutar 50 minutos y 12 segundos de puro buen indie rock... o que conociera Still In Love Song, décimo track y sencillo de gran éxito y rotación el la radio cuando Radioactivo agonizaba. "Your dreams of acting on screen, what do they mean? you'll be dancing senseless in your bedroom, and you find yourself out of a job, and before too long you'll be selling lemonade to the overpaid... and i'm still in love and i'm still in love".

::: Still In Love Song - The Stills :::

Mientras navegaba por la red me encontré con comentarios como "si tan sólo Coldplay fuera tan bueno como estos canadienses" o "son el próximo Interpol", lo cual habla buenas cosas de ellos, sin embargo no me parece que esté en la línea de alguno de los anteriores. Es un album de indie rock que parece decirte que encontrarás sus tracks más fuertes al inicio, los primeros tres, pero lo escuchas una segunda vez y piensas que los más fuertes son los primeros cinco, lo escuchas una tercera vez y los buenos tracks se convierten el los primeros ocho, aunque la nueve también es buena, y la diez es Still In Love Song, la mejor en mi opinión, así que para la cuarta vez que uno lo escucha queda enganchado con las doce pistas. ¡Excelentes todas ellas! Tenía muchas ganas de verlos en el Corona Musicfest, y canté lo más fuerte que pude las que conocía, apesar de que el "buuuh" era más fuerte que el sonido de mi voz. Pensé ser el único que entendía. Su química en el escenario, su forma de vestir, su manera de hacer comentarios sarcásticos respondiéndo al público la hostilidad que le daban, nada se compara con los sentimientos y las cosas en las que me pone a pensar ese gran album. "Too late and too bad... Without you i'm a mess, without you, you just don't know. This is not a joke; you're all i really need, you are all y really need. And i'm just so bored of wasting my time, love and death always on my mind".

::: Lola Stars And Stripes - The Stills :::

::: Love And Death - The Stills :::

No cabe duda de que el album es uno de los mejores debuts que he escuchado y un grupo prometedor. Su nuevo album se espera para el 9 de mayo del 2006. He escuchado algunas canciones, y por mucho, no es lo mismo que su primer album, aunque suena bien, pero ya veremos... Aquí les dejo un adelanto del Without Feathers para que comparen. "It’s nice to see you’re moving on, i know it’s hard to carry on, but it’s just never what it was in the beginning".

::: In the Beginning - The Stills :::

April 4, 2006

How can i go forward when i don't know which way i'm facing?

John Lennon

How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?
How can I go forward into something I'm not sure of?
Oh no, oh no

How can I have feeling when I don't know if it's a feeling?
How can I feel something if I just don't know how to feel?
How can I have feelings when my feelings have always been denied?
Oh no, oh no

You know life can be long
And you got to be so strong
And the world is so tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough

How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love when I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love when love is something I ain't never had?
Oh no, oh no

You know life can be long
You've got to be so strong
And the world she is tough
Sometimes I feel I've had enough

How can we go forward when we don't know which way we're facing?
How can we go forward when we don't know which way to turn?
How can we go forward into something we're not sure of?
Oh no, oh no

::: How? - John Lennon :::

April 2, 2006

"Don't Believe the Truth"

Some of you might be aware of my interest in posting reviews about the concerts i go to (you can find all of the past reviews at My Space in MSN). After Interpol's concert (the best of my life) i decided that i wouldn't be missing anymore concerts! I missed concerts because of school, money, time... But it won't happen again! One of the concerts that i missed in the past (two times) was Oasis. I am not his biggest fan but i enjoy'em tons! It was not the best concert for me because i didn't know a lot of songs that they played. The opening song, "Fuckin' in the Bushes" it's one of the best songs to start a concert, ever! Pure rock! After a couple of songs "Lyla" came and the Palace explode... "I've waited for a thousand years for you to come and blow me of my mind". Then a setlist of songs that i didn't know and after three or four songs it was "Songbird" which is one of my fauvorites! That was great, but the highest point of rock was exposed with "Live Forever". "Aquiesce" and "Supersonic" were great too, and the Palace was went crazy with those, but the venue was happy too with sad songs like "Champagne Supernova" and obviously "Wonderwall"... The perfect time to get out of our pockets every single cellphone and lighter! "Rock'n'Roll Star" was the last song before the encore and they returned to play "Don't Look Back in Anger"... I went nuts!!! "So Sally can't wait, she knows it's too late as we are walking on by". It was a good concert although they didn't play one single song from my fauvorite album, "Be Here Now". Vaquero was the support act and i enjoyed "Sunshine" and "Dying to Live" a lot.

Liam... such an arrogant guy! I tend to like that...

Noel, the real genious... He sings the best songs un my opinion...

Ok, in addition to the review i'm gonna post my fauvorite songs from each of the albums that i have:

Del What's The Story? (Morning Glory)

::: Wonderwall - Oasis :::

Del Definetely Maybe

::: Slide Away - Oasis :::

Del Be Here Now

::: Don´t Go Away - Oasis :::

Del Standing in the Shoulders of the Giants

::: Sunday Morning Call - Oasis :::

Del Heathen Chemistry

::: Songbird - Oasis :::